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People Behind the Brand: Lizzie Blizzard

Feb 25, 2022

In todays edition of people behind the brand, the series where you get to know the Orbis team, we check in with Consultant Lizzie from our Nashville office, to talk all about her journey to a career in recruitment, her background in social work and how true work life balance means putting your health first.

People Behind the Brand: Lizzie Blizzard
Tell us about your journey to recruitment

I was previously working in sales but found that it wasn’t a true passion though I enjoyed my time with the company and excelled in my career with them. My manager and I had a great relationship, and during our career development discussions, he suggested transitioning into recruiting. Our company was acquired by Uber, and we both saw it as the perfect time for me to make the switch.

A company happened to reach out to me at the perfect time, I took the chance on recruiting with them and fell in love!

What’s the best part of the job?

I have a passion for helping others, so nothing makes me happier than helping someone land their dream job!

What’s the biggest challenge? 

The biggest challenge for me is that although a candidate can be amazing, we may not have the ideal role for them at the moment – I wish I could land every person that I’ve built a relationship with their dream position right then.

What’s something you wish you’d known at the start of your career?

Success isn’t necessarily a straight path, and when you think you’ve failed, it’s actually just an important learning moment. Also, networking is essential – don’t be afraid to reach out to others (internally and externally) and build those relationships!

In another life… If you weren’t a recruiter, what would you be doing?

I would open some kind of animal sanctuary where I could house abused/neglected animals and give them an environment they can thrive in and be loved in for the rest of their days!

You have quite a varied background, can you tell us a bit about your journey and how you discovered recruitment?

I originally went to school for social work but realized the work I was doing was detrimental to both my mental and physical health. More often than not, I wasn’t actually going home to sleep but staying at my office with foster children “camping” in sleeping bags due to a lack of foster homes in the area.

I decided that instead of keeping a career of my studies, I would dedicate my volunteering to children’s advocacy (guardian ad litem) and mentoring students in their last semester of high school and first semester of community college.

A friend of mine was working in sales and recommended I give it a try. My boss and I then discussed career development frequently. We talked about transitioning to recruiting many times, and when the company was later acquired, I took his advice and decided to take a chance on recruiting.

What’s exciting about the current market in Nashville right now?

The tech industry in Nashville is growing rapidly and truly booming! We hear in the news constantly that the tech industry is smashing records left and right. Living in the heart of a premier destination for tech talent is amazing, and I am so ecstatic to be a part of it!

You joined us back in 2021 – can you remember what your first impression of the company was like?

My first impression of Orbis was “I have to be a part of this company.”

The values and culture that Orbis hold are unlike any other company I had talked to, and it is truly implemented every day.

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